Friday, May 25, 2007

The BLOOD of Jesus

A number of years ago while in Guatemala my wife was asked to donate some blood because she has the rare "universal" blood type. I could not help but think of that experience when I read the following article...

I once heard a story about a Nazi pilot who was shot down during World War II. The pilot was taken captive and brought to the hospital where a British doctor began dressing his wounds. As the doctor worked, he realized a blood transfusion was necessary due to the loss of blood.
When finished, and making use of his British humor, the doctor remarked to the Nazi, “This ought to go far in making a gentleman out of you. I have just put into your system two pints of Jewish blood.” The patient was horrified!
However, no scientific experiment can determine nationality by blood, for we read in God’s Word, that the Lord “hath made of one blood all nations.” (Acts 17:26).
Although there is nothing in the blood to distinguish the nationality, there is a blood classification determined by the presence or absence of certain substances. Before a blood transfusion can be made, the donor’s blood must be tested to be sure the substances are the same as the patient’s. If different bloods are mixed, clotting could begin and this could result in sever illness or even death.
The various blood groups are type A, B, AB or O. Type O is sometimes referred to as “universal” because it does not clump with other plasmas.
Reading about these different blood groups caused me to think of Someone who gave His blood for all – a “universal donor”. The effectiveness of His blood is available to anyone. Like the marvel of the filtering system of the blood, His precious blood has a cleansing effect. “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). It would be impossible for us to live without blood in our bodies. The Bible says, “The life…is in the blood” (Lev 17:11), and Christ’s blood is the source of everlasting life. Do you have it?

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