Friday, December 09, 2005

Stranded on a Desert Island (written and directed by Marlise)

The JVs were part of the Northside Awana Christmas program and did a great job with their skit! There were upwards of 150 in attendance. The young people shined as well with their music abilities and just being terrific and friendly. Thanks JVs for a great show and keep up the good work, leaders!

Oh, yeah. The shot (by Rob) of the kids on the bench are really passengers on a plane that is about to crash on a desert island. Each tries to devise his/her plan to get off the island but all die in the process. Various futile attempts are made: some are burned, others eaten by sharks etc. Afterward, it was discovered that there was a Coast Guard ready and able to help, but no one took notice or availed themselves of his help. Thus the lesson... so many have their own plan of how to get to heaven and ignore Jesus - who is the only Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6)

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