Monday, November 21, 2005

Stan in Tapachula, Mexico

Earlier we posted some photos sent to us from our friend in Guatemala. Above is a shot of Tapachula, Mexico where Hurricane Stan really hit hard. We used to visit this area and the saints there. Through contact with the Falconers in New Zealand (Missionaries to Guatemala that we worked with) we are making arrangements for channeling relief funds to these dear Christians. We don't know of any assemblies in Guatemala that were directly affected by the flooding yet, but the assemblies in Guatemala have a history of fellowship and ministry with the saints fo Tapachula. Here is some info about how they have been affected...

"Access to this area is very difficult, since roads are destroyed. The Category One hurricane is estimated to have destroyed the homes of up to 150,000 people, many more than can be housed in government shelters. More than 85% of the region’s cattle and farms are destroyed in this region where most people are dependent on what they raise to feed their families." (from the World Wide Web)

So, you can see just how much of a challenge these people face. We stand with them in prayer and in whatever other ways we can help.


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